Payment Method
A Variety Of Convenient & Safe Payment Options
ATM / Online Banking Transfer
HSBC (Hong Kong) :004-544-1027-884
Bank Of China (Hong Kong) : 012-8052-0087-067

After submitting payment, please send your order # along with ATM transfer receipt or online banking wire transferring time & amount to us via eamil at service@hkcufflinks.com or via fax at 3016 9543.
Upon payment is received, we will arrange delivery asap. Detailed information will be emailed to you later.
You may choose to wire transfer from your Paypal account to H.K. Cufflink's Paypal account paypal@hkcufflinks.com or you may use your credit card to pay at Paypal.

No handling fee for above payment options. Convenient and efficient. Transaction information goes through bank's Secure Soket Layer (SSL) only; we will not receive your credit card information in any case.